Tuesday, October 26, 2010

To Cataclysm or Not To Cataclysm

I need your help! I've stopped playing since about 5 months ago.
Sometimes I have definitely missed it. I've missed the huge and epic raids. I've missed the friends. I've missed always having something to do whenever I'm bored. I've mostly missed the thrill / rush I get from PvP.
But there are other times where I'm glad I decided to stop playing. It has given me more time to focus on school and sports. I also don't miss the frustration, whether it was from unbelievably bad random's, missing a raid or missing opportunities to join guilds because of my restricted raiding schedule (due to school), or just the feeling that doing all of my dailies everyday felt too much like a job.

Whats your opinion - should I come back or no?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Working the Auction House

Throughout my WoW career, I have explored many different ways to make gold. I've farmed rare recipes and drops, farmed Saronite Ore (and Adamantite in BC), Frost Lotus, done tons of daily quests, and even tried making money by porting people around on my mage. None of these have netted much gold. However, as of recent, I have had lots of fun utilizing the auction house.

One example of how awesome the AH:
So my RL friend plays on a different server then I do, and he has been low on gold. So I told him, if you give my alt on your server 150g, I can try and make as much gold as I possibly can with it. After 10 days of minimal effort (5-10 minutes a day, I am up to 750g and about 450g worth of mats still to sell.

My favorite department to work in (within the AH) is the gems. Raiders need them, and lots of them. New ICC gear has many sockets for gems, which is awesome for gem merchants like myself. Many will say that tuesday, wednesday, and thursday are all the best days to sell gems, and I am finding this to be true for the most part. However, I usually can get almost the same prices on the weekends, and sometimes even higher prices. I think this is because so many people know when they should be selling, so they all sell on those three days. Which in turn means that the other 4 days will have much less gems on the AH. This means there is less supply, while not necesarily the same demand as during the 3 main days. And depending on how low the prices get on the 3 main days, the weekend prices are generally higher.

My general strategy is to buy low, cut, and resell high. Example:
I buy a Cardinal Ruby for 140g.
I then ask my JC friend to cut it into a Delicate Cardinal Ruby.
I tip the JC 5 gold for his service.
I then repost the same gem for 225 gold.
When it sells, I will receive around 215 gold after AH cut.
215-140=75 gold, but subtract 5 for the tip to the JC.

Final Profit - 70g. Not to shabby for such easy work.

Good luck!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Ensidia Banned! (72 hours)

Ensidia makes me mad. They cheat and they are hypocrites.If they don't get a world first, they always have to somehow point out that the people who did get it, cheated to get it.

I am sure you have heard about their most recent ban, if not you can find it here:

Basically, Ensidia used an exploit during the 25 man version of the Lich King encounter. There was a bug were if you used saronite bombs, the siege damage from them would repair the ring (which is intended to crumble throughout the fight). This made the fight much easier and simpler. Now, to be fair, the rogue who was using the saronite bombs, had been using them on every fight. Its not like they are looking for bugs to exploit, but they certainly found one. Ensidia told us that they knew something was wrong with the floor repairing itself, but they had no idea what was causing it. I can believe this. The fight was not bug proof due to the limited testing on it, to keep the encounter a suprise. But if you see the floor repairing itself, when it obviously should not be, you have to report it, before you defeat the boss. If you do not, it is illegal. Ensidia decieded to defeat the LK, and then report it. Therefore, it is a bannable offense. Im glad Blizzard did not chicken out on this one and put their foot down on Ensidia and their tricky exploits.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Saurfang (25) DOWN!

:D Yay! My guild finally downed Saurfang yesterday, although... I wasn't there to join them with the kill, I had to leave a little bit early due to time constraints (which really sucks). I was able to be there for the first 5 or 6 attempts, but then I had to leave. Our first try we got him to 20%, and usually got him close to that each attempt after that. I cringed leaving, knowing that they would probably down him that night, but I just couldn't be on any longer.

Anyways, I just wanted to say grats my guild on the Alliance side of Velen, Prophecy. I think we can do pretty well this patch and hopefully soon we will have Plagueworks down.

How far are you in ICC, 10 or 25 man, and how have you liked it so far?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Why I Decided to Create a Blog

I created a blog...because I thought it was a neat idea. I have recently become an avid reader of Wow.com, MMO-Champion.com, and Greedygoblin.blogspot.com . I like what they have done: they have created a blog for many other people like themselves (World of Warcraft players) to read and give the reader something to chew on throughout the day. Whether its a cool upcoming feature that Blizz is adding, or something that they want the readers opinion on, they all right compelling blogs.

Thanks for reading :)


First post! WooT! I have never done blogging before, but it has intrigued me.
Anyways, in this blog, you will hear about my experiences in World of Warcraft. I have been playing the game for over 2 years and I have loved it ever since the start. I have 4 level 80 characters, a druid (restoration and balance), a hunter (survival), mage (arcane), and a nooby death knight (frost tank, blood dps). My primary character is my druid, Strabo. I hope to be able to share various experiences with you, whether it be about raiding, PvP, funny experiences, or just anything that strikes me as something you would wanna read! Thanks again for reading this :)